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Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30

Art. E100018-20L BIB
Fully synthetic mid SAPS motor oil for gasoline and diesel engines
Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30 is a fully synthetic ultra high performance oil for gasoline and diesel engines in passenger cars, especially for the most recent Peugeot and Citroën engines. Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30 quickly provides an extremely stable lubricant film at the cold start and offers high thermal stability under heavy duty operating conditions. Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30 offers optimum dispersancy and detergency, keeping the engine clean. Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30 provides maximum protection against rust and corrosion, while special additives keep all parts free from dirt, sludge and deposits. Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30 offers extra fuel saving properties and allows long drain intervals (up to 30.000 km) for the latest models of Peugeot and Citroën. Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30 is also recommended for vehicles for which an engine oil meeting ACEA C2 (2012) with the viscosity grade 0W-30 is prescribed.
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Eurol Ultrance PSA 0W-30
Descripción de la composición Volsynthetisch
Contenido (volumen) 20 liter
Color Marrón
Densidad a 20°C 0.841
Punto de fluidez -42 celsius
Punto de inflamación 226 celsius
Ceniza de sulfato 0.8
Índice de viscosidad 172
Viscosidad, dinámica (CCS) 6140
Viscosidad cinemática a 40°C 52.8
Viscosidad cinemática a 100°C 9.7
Descripción de la viscosidad 0W-30
Nivel de rendimiento API SP | ACEA C5 | PSA B71 2312
Recomendaciones de uso Fiat 9.55535-GS1 | Fiat 9.55535-DS1
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