Oil advisor
Asesoramiento de aceites para sus máquinas y vehículos agrícolas.

Su negocio agrícola necesita mantenerse operativo y rentable. Por lo tanto, su maquinaria agrícola debe estar siempre lista para ser utilizada para lograr una alta productividad. En todas las estaciones, bajo todas las circunstancias. En Eurol, sabemos esto mejor que nadie. Nuestros lubricantes contribuyen a esto. Eurol le ayuda a obtener un mejor rendimiento y una vida útil más larga de su equipo. Al elegir los lubricantes adecuados, puede sacar más provecho de su máquina, lo que se traduce en menos horas de mantenimiento, menos tiempo de inactividad, intervalos de cambio de aceite más largos y una mayor productividad.
Como su socio en lubricantes, buscamos los mejores resultados y nos esforzamos por lograr una protección óptima de sus máquinas y vehículos, combinada con operaciones eficientes. Nuestra línea de lubricantes de alta calidad, "Eurol Specialty Lubricants", es literalmente el resultado de esto. En varios casos prácticos, puede ver cómo estos productos realmente garantizan una vida más prolongada y un mejor rendimiento para sus máquinas y vehículos.
Asesoramiento de aceites para sus máquinas y vehículos agrícolas.
Programa de lubricación para puntos de lubricación en el sector agrícola.
Leer másCon nuestro enfoque de ser un proveedor integral, ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos para el sector agrícola. Desde aceites para motores y aceites hidráulicos para tractores y vehículos agrícolas hasta grasas de alto rendimiento para aplicaciones específicas en rodamientos de ruedas, sistemas hidráulicos o barras de dirección. Gracias al amplio conocimiento de aplicaciones de nuestros expertos, podemos brindarle asesoramiento especializado y abordar necesidades específicas y problemas relacionados con la lubricación.
En resumen, al elegir la combinación adecuada de lubricantes, obtenemos más beneficios para su maquinaria y usted obtiene un mejor rendimiento para su negocio.
The disc coulter bearings of the manure injector undergo heavy loads and come into contact with manure, sand, and water. The ammonia present in the manure leads to an alkal...
In an agricultural facility processing hay and straw, operators discovered issues with the transport chains. The chains were wet and sticky, attracting dust, sand, and plan...
On a golf course, typically five types of lawnmowers are used to maintain all the different types of grass and terrains in good condition.
Good lubrication of machines is essential. This certainly applies to mowers that have to deal with extreme conditions. In this case study, we show how our Eurol Specialty l...
The disc coulter bearings of the manure injector undergo heavy loads and come into contact with manure, sand, and water. The ammonia present in the manure leads to an alkal...
In an agricultural facility processing hay and straw, operators discovered issues with the transport chains. The chains were wet and sticky, attracting dust, sand, and plan...
On a golf course, typically five types of lawnmowers are used to maintain all the different types of grass and terrains in good condition.
Good lubrication of machines is essential. This certainly applies to mowers that have to deal with extreme conditions. In this case study, we show how our Eurol Specialty l...
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We introduce the Fultrax 75W-90 LS, a fully synthetic transmission oil with limited slip properties.
There are various reasons for temporarily decommissioning machines. Whether this results from the high energy costs forcing some companies to exercise restraint, or even if...
For agricultural contractors, the reliability of their equipment is central to a successful and efficient operation.
In heavy-duty earthmoving equipment, the lubrication of pin-in-bush connections plays a crucial role in maintaining the performance and lifespan of the machines.&nbs...
We introduce E Heavy Duty, a new generation of lubricants specially developed for the efficient lubrication of electrified heavy machinery and vehicles.
We warmly welcome you to the AgriTechnica fair in Hanover, the world’s largest trade fair for agricultural machinery.
The disc coulter bearings of the manure injector undergo heavy loads and come into contact with manure, sand, and water. The ammonia present in the manure leads to an alkal...
In an agricultural facility processing hay and straw, operators discovered issues with the transport chains. The chains were wet and sticky, attracting dust, sand, and plan...
We introduce the Fultrax 75W-90 LS, a fully synthetic transmission oil with limited slip properties.
There are various reasons for temporarily decommissioning machines. Whether this results from the high energy costs forcing some companies to exercise restraint, or even if...
For agricultural contractors, the reliability of their equipment is central to a successful and efficient operation.
In heavy-duty earthmoving equipment, the lubrication of pin-in-bush connections plays a crucial role in maintaining the performance and lifespan of the machines.&nbs...
We introduce E Heavy Duty, a new generation of lubricants specially developed for the efficient lubrication of electrified heavy machinery and vehicles.
We warmly welcome you to the AgriTechnica fair in Hanover, the world’s largest trade fair for agricultural machinery.
The disc coulter bearings of the manure injector undergo heavy loads and come into contact with manure, sand, and water. The ammonia present in the manure leads to an alkal...
In an agricultural facility processing hay and straw, operators discovered issues with the transport chains. The chains were wet and sticky, attracting dust, sand, and plan...