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Eurol Special 20W-50

Art. E100040-210L
Mineral motor oil for gasoline, LPG and diesel engines
Eurol Special Multigrades are motor oils, formulated with shear-stable viscosity improvers to prevent viscosity drops after some time. Because of this, a strong and stable lubricant film is guaranteed, even at high temperatures. Eurol Special Multigrades contain deterging and dispersing additives, keeping the oil and the engine clean, even the most critical parts. Corrosion and sludge are reduced to a minimum, while anti-wear additives, together with the high quality base oils, offer maximum protection to heavily loaded parts. Eurol Special Multigrades have a long life-time and assure a low oil consumption. This oil can be used in all gasoline and LPG engines, as well in light duty, non-turbo charged diesel engines. Eurol Special Multigrades are especially suitable for older cars as running-in motor oil.
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Eurol Special 20W-50
Descripción de la composición Mineral
Contenido (volumen) 210 liter
Color Marrón
Densidad a 20°C 0.874
Punto de fluidez -27 celsius
Punto de inflamación 218 celsius
Ceniza de sulfato 1.2
Índice de viscosidad 123
Viscosidad, dinámica (CCS) 7438
Viscosidad cinemática a 40°C 158.4
Viscosidad cinemática a 100°C 17.7
Descripción de la viscosidad 20W-50
Nivel de rendimiento API SF/CF
Recomendaciones de uso MIL-L-2104D | MIL-L-46152C
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