9 de maio

Engine Oil – Porsche

Porsche Cayman de Corrida em Pista: Motor Eurol Specialty Racing 0W-40
Material savings
Increase in oil pressure: 0.2 barReduction in wear: 31%
Description of situation

Porsches on track are racing with standard Porsche A40 level engine oil. Owners experienced lower oil pressure when the engine came up to temperature.

Lubrication PointEngine
ProductEurol Specialty Racing 0W-40
Article NumberS099001-1L

Eurol Specialty Racing 0W-40 improves oil pressure and increases wear protection. After 4 races, a wear reduction of 31% was measured with a used oil analysis.

Customer testimonial

Patrick Verkerk, Owner, RFF Motorsport: “Engine runs smooth, 0.2 bar higher oil pressure when the engine is warm.”


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