March 14, 2024


Effortlessly transitioning to biodegradable hydraulic oil

Various organizations operating road and water construction, agriculture, or earthmoving machinery are considering the switch to biodegradable hydraulic oils. This desire often stems from corporate social responsibility, often in combination with stricter laws and regulations, such as those in nature reserves or open water. 

However, there is some hesitation, and rightly so, as the reputation of the first-generation biodegradable lubricants from the '80s and '90s was not good. Developments have progressed since then. Nowadays, there are machines running smoothly on the latest generation of biodegradable hydraulic oil, some having surpassed 20,000 operational hours without issues.

Today, we can confidently say that the performance and lifespan of a hydraulic system are not negatively affected by switching to a modern biodegradable oil, such as Eurol E Heavy Duty Lube 46 BIO. There is no higher risk of downtime or damage. The SYNGIS Technology significantly reduces friction in the system, saving energy. This is an even greater advantage with electric equipment as it extends battery life.

However, there are some rules to consider when transitioning from mineral hydraulic oil to biodegradable hydraulic oil. While theoretically, the two types of oils can mix well, the presence of old mineral hydraulic oil in the system can negatively affect the lubricating properties and lifespan of the new oil. Adding new oil does not extend the oil's service life.

Instructions for transitioning to biodegradable oil

We provide two sets of instructions for transitioning from regular mineral hydraulic oil to biodegradable hydraulic oil. One set is without dismantling machine parts, and the other is with dismantling machine parts.

Oil change without dismantling machine parts: Drain the hydraulic system, leaving about 10% to 20% (depending on brand, machine type, etc.) of the old hydraulic oil in the pump, lines, filters, cylinders, and the tank. Replace the filters and then fill the hydraulic system to the prescribed level with the new biodegradable hydraulic oil. Run the machine for at least 5 minutes to ensure any remaining old hydraulic oil is homogeneously mixed with the new biodegradable hydraulic oil. Then, change the oil a second time.

Oil change with dismantling machine parts: When dismantling the machine, the amount of old oil remaining in the pump, cylinders, lines, filters, and tank can be limited to about 5% - 10%. This means that a maximum of two oil changes should suffice. Also, run the machine for at least 5 minutes after each change.

A few practical tips:
  • Clean the empty tank and dismantle parts if possible during the procedure;
  • Replace all filters;
  • Bleed and restart the machine between each flush to remove as much old hydraulic oil as possible with the flush;
  • Clearly mark that the machine is filled with biodegradable oil;
  • Replace the oil filter after 50 operating hours. Then, follow the usual filter replacement schedule;
  • Take an oil sample for inspection once the machine is ready for use;
  • Be cautious with older machines. Gaskets may not be suitable. 
Practical tips for maintaining the machine, with or without biodegradable oil:
  • Special filters are available to prevent condensation from entering the oil, these can be installed at the tank's vent points;
  • Regularly take an oil sample for inspection;
  • Seek advice from your Eurol Dealer if necessary.
