July 26, 2024

Schenkfoto syntence

Traveling by car? Five handy tips for the fluids!

It's summer vacation! Are you going on vacation by car? Here are five handy tips for fluids to prevent problems with your car.

1. Check your car's oil level

Check if the engine oil and oil filter need to be replaced. Top up the engine oil if it's below the recommended level. Pay extra attention to this if you're traveling with a caravan or folding camper. With our product advisor, you'll know within seconds which engine oil is suitable for your car.

2. Check your car's cooling system

Ensure that the coolant reservoir is sufficiently filled. Check with the product advisor to see which coolant your car needs. Use Eurol Radiator Sealer preventively to protect the cooling system, or as a repair agent if the radiator is leaking.

3. Check the windshield washer reservoir

On vacation, you'll frequently use the windshield wipers. Good and sufficient windshield washer fluid is essential for this. Eurol Summerwash ready-to-use is an excellent cleaner, provides a fresh scent, and is safe for rubbers, paints, and polycarbonate.

4. Give your engine an extra boost

The engine of your gasoline or diesel car needs to perform extra during the vacation. Use a Eurol additive for more power and protection of the engine. If you experience engine problems, additives can help. Check our additives advisor for the right solution to common symptoms.

5. Bring Spare Fluids

In case you encounter problems, it is handy to have spare engine oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, and additives in the car. Check out the Eurol sales point near you.

For more tips on how to use our products, visit our YouTube channel for instructional videos.
